At Soileau Partners Psychotherapy, our hope and mission is that every individual experience the opportunity to thrive rather than cope with life. Our board-certified therapists and clinical interns look forward to the opportunity to work closely with you no matter what season of life you are in.
We recommend a Complimentary Consultation to determine whether Psychodynamic Counseling, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, or Relational Psychoanalysis is best for you and your needs. You can schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our board-certified therapists or clinical interns here!
With a combined 15+ years of clinical experience and training, we confidently provide effective treatment for a wide variety of psychological problems, including phobias, obsessions, compulsions, sexual dysfunctions, and other psychological disorders and symptoms such as:
Our approach to helping achieve this is to provide in-depth clinical treatment influenced by Jung, Winnicott, Adlerian, Fromm, Kohut, McWilliams, Shedler, Benjamin, and Ogden. Our depth clinical approach is influenced and informed by the following theoretical lenses:
Individuals experiencing repeated failures brought about by self-destructive behavior patterns often seek out our help to address them. Others come to us because of how they are; their character substantially limits their freedom and pleasures. Still, many want to definitively resolve psychological problems that were only temporarily or partially resolved by other forms of treatment previously used.
"Psychoanalytic psychotherapy relies on collaboration, in which the patient and therapist work together to explore unconscious feelings, thoughts, and conflicts through talk. Sessions are typically one to three times a week but can be customized to the patient's needs. During psychotherapy, the patient can sit facing the therapist or lie on the couch.
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy can involve free association to emphasize the unconscious and the centrality of the patient-therapist relationship. This treatment is especially suited for those who need to address the root of long-term problems and patterns that continually crop up and prevent them from living fulfilled lives.
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy is a practical, evidence-based treatment rooted in psychoanalytic principles. This technique is helpful for a wide variety of mental health concerns, especially problems or concerns that don't respond to other therapeutic modalities, interventions, or medications alone. Psychoanalytic psychotherapy is shown to be effective for children, adolescents, and adults, providing relief from distressing symptoms and emotional suffering and leading to profound and long-lasting changes."
-American Psychoanalytic Association
"Psychodynamic or psychoanalytic psychotherapy refers to a range of treatments based on psychoanalytic concepts and methods that involve less frequent meetings and may be considerably briefer than psychoanalysis proper. Session frequency is typically once or twice weekly, and the treatment may be time-limited or open-ended. The essence of psychodynamic therapy is exploring those aspects of self that are not fully known, especially as they are manifested and potentially influenced in the therapy relationship."
-Jonathan Shedler, PhD
Soileau Partners Psychotherapy
104 W. 9th Street Ste. 205A, Kansas City, Missouri, 64105